Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dell Goes Green with new Eco PC

This mini new greeny and earth friendly PC by DELL looks pretty sleek. It would be good if it was green but black is an alright color since the keyboard looks pretty sleek too. Its supposed to be 70% less energy-consuming and 81% smaller than a mini tower sized PC.

“I think it’s the right thing to do,” said Michael Dell. “These are important issues. When you think about our industry, we produce 260 million computers a year. There’s a responsibility that comes with that.”

This mini new greeny and earth friendly PC by DELL looks pretty sleek. It would be good if it was green but black is an alright color since the keyboard looks pretty sleek too. Its supposed to be 70% less energy-consuming and 81% smaller than a mini tower sized PC.

“I think it’s the right thing to do,” said Michael Dell. “These are important issues. When you think about our industry, we produce 260 million computers a year. There’s a responsibility that comes with that.”

Its noted that Dell said the company will invest more in technology to reduce its energy consumption and participate in programs such as efforts to plant more trees. In fact, Dell is expanding its “Plant a Tree for Me” program for private consumers to “Plant a Forest for Me,” for companies buying in bulk.

It comes in recycled and recyclable packaging, (duh) and lets hope it’s friendly to consumer pockets too.

Good job Micheal Dell !

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