Thursday, June 26, 2008

Gadget Envy: “Guitar Hero On Tour”

What It Is: The latest in the genre re-defining Guitar Hero series, this time in portable version for the Nintendo DS.

Who It’s For: People so addicted to the faux-guitar awesomeness of GH that they need to take it with them. Also, anybody wanting to make other people on the bus jealous.

Why It’s Worthy: Guitar Hero is awsome, and the design of this game is staggeringly great. The four-button “guitar” plugs into the DS slot normally reserved for Game Boy games, allowing you to hold the system sideways and strum on the touch screen with a special pick-shaped stylus. The game packs in 26 tracks, 21 of which (including Steve Miller Band’s “Jet Airliner” and Daughtry’s “What I Want”) are exclusive to this title. Also, the key to activating “Star Power” is shouting into the DS’ microphone — anything that allows us to yell at inanimate objects is a phenomenal development.

What It Is: The latest in the genre re-defining Guitar Hero series, this time in portable version for the Nintendo DS.

Who It’s For: People so addicted to the faux-guitar awesomeness of GH that they need to take it with them. Also, anybody wanting to make other people on the bus jealous.

Why It’s Worthy: Guitar Hero is awsome, and the design of this game is staggeringly great. The four-button “guitar” plugs into the DS slot normally reserved for Game Boy games, allowing you to hold the system sideways and strum on the touch screen with a special pick-shaped stylus. The game packs in 26 tracks, 21 of which (including Steve Miller Band’s “Jet Airliner” and Daughtry’s “What I Want”) are exclusive to this title. Also, the key to activating “Star Power” is shouting into the DS’ microphone — anything that allows us to yell at inanimate objects is a phenomenal development.

Our Only Complaint: Your wrist is bound to tire with the extra weight, but the game even provides helpful suggestions to relieve soreness.

Cost/Where to Get It: $49.99, though there is also a bundle available that packages an exclusive silver DS with the game, which’ll set you back 179.99; Official Site (Available now)

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